Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy

Handing the beautiful and livable Earth to the next generations

GRANOPT CO., LTD. carries out business activities as a top manufacturer of rare earth iron garnet single crystals,and we have established environmental policy as a means of leaving a beautiful Earth that's easy to live in behind for the next generation, carrying out environmental conversation activities proactively and continuously.


  1. By strengthening our frameworks for meeting the requirements of related laws, ordinances, and other regulations, we aim to reduce environmental risks and eliminate compliance violations.
  2. Through improvement of operating conditions and stabilization of operation maintenance, we are making efforts to reduce greenhouse gases alongside promotion of biodiversity preservation.
  3. In order to achieve environmental objectives and goals, we will strive to work together to systematically take activities for the maintenance and improvement of the environmental performance.
  4. We promote the business activities in all departments based on the following environmental goals.
    1) Sorting, collecting, and reducing waste materials.
    2) Promoting energy conservation activities for electricity, etc.
    3) Managing water quality maintenance for processing and domestic wastewater.
    4) Reducing and eliminating substances subject to chemical management regulations.
    5) Implementing assessment, prevention, and relief measures for environmental risks when changes occur.
  5. We ensure all employees are sufficiently aware of this environmental policy and also make it publicly available.